Nadine P


Durban, South Africa
Available Immediately
4 years of experience
Full-time: 40 hours per week
$1400 per month
Flexible on Timezone

Candidate Online Assessment Results

Report Card

Overall Score
Content Writing

How does Remote Talent score candidates?

Remote Talent uses the best testing software on the market to simulate what it is like to work in their job role. We ask questions designed to test critical skills that are required for that specific position, and the results show you their scores in the vital job competencies. Most candidates don't get past the assessment, so you only see the top performers.

Video Interview

Nadine P

1. How did you become interested in content writing, and what motivated you to pursue it as a career?

2. Can you share a recent content writing project you've completed and what you enjoyed most about working on it?

3. Are there any writing tools or platforms you prefer to use when creating content, and how long have you been working with them?

4. How do you balance creativity and SEO optimization in your content writing process, especially when faced with constraints such as word count or deadline?

5. Can you describe a time when you had to collaborate with a team or a client during a content writing project? How did you communicate and ensure everyone's vision was incorporated into the final written piece?


Business Development Manager and Content Writer at DigiWorks

May 2021 - November 2021

  • Oversaw and managed the Business Development Team, where responsibilities included approving research, managing deadlines, and ensuring team productivity and maintaining morale. Further responsibilities included content creation, and qualifying leads.
  • Developed a wide range of content, including SEO blogs, course content, website content, and social media content.

Copywriter at Outworx

2019 - 2021

  • Analyzed media metrics, and developed content for U.K.-based clients, including Sir Philip Green and Sir Richard Branson.


Honors Degree - Politics and International Relations

Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

2017 - 2018

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology and Political Philosophy

Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

2014 - 2016

Services Available

Local Hiring Shield

How can I help you?

We take care of all local payroll, legal, and tax compliance. When you hire on Remote Talent, you pay us one simple monthly payment, and we handle it all.

Price per employee

$199 per month

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Health Insurance

How can I help you?

Take care of your new team member with affordable localized private health insurance.

Starting From

$80 per month

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